My Mission President's A Seventy Now?!?

(April 3, 2017)
Howdy Everyone!
This week has been a pretty great week, I don't have much time but
I'll just update y'all on what's new.
So I'm still here in Paris and Hugo, transfers are coming up quick
tho. I'm expecting to stay out here a while! But you never know what
the lord has in store for you!
This week we were able to watch general conference at our little
branch building! Ha the first session on Saturday had 5 people in
attendance including us, we're guessing most people were watching from
home. Sunday morning was better, we had a little over 10 people
watching at the church.  Hugo is slowly but surely growin! Soon enough
we'll be an actual ward!
A short Miracle that happened before priesthood session;
We were having a little ice cream social before we started priesthood
session so we were just chatting with the other priesthood leaders
sitting down chowing down on our ice cream when we heard our buildings
door bell ring. I heard it first but didn't think much of it, then it
went off a second time but this time longer. So me and elder haddock
looked at each other and went to go see if someone was at the door.
Well we get there and sure enough a stranger was standing there. His
name was Tracy and he was walking from dollar general and saw our
little Branches sign and saw some cars in the parking lot so he wanted
to come thank whoever was there because apparently his dad joined the
church a couple years back and it saved his life. So Tracy just wanted
to thank some random members for what the church did for his dad. Well
we told him he came at the best random time and invited him to watch
priesthood session, he agreed! He really enjoyed it and gave us his
number and wanted to get back into contact with him later this week to
start teaching him! It was such a random miracle, we were so grateful!
He lives in a tent behind dollar general in the woods so we're not
quite sure yet where we'll teach him but what matters is he's soon
gonna learn about the restored gospel!
Oh yeah, so my mission president, President Brian K. Taylor was called
to be a seventy!? It was so random, we had no idea! They announced his
name but me and elder haddock just thought it was a coincidence but
NOPE. We saw him walk up and take his seat. So he's gonna finish his
mission in July and then head right into his next calling as a
seventy! We all saw it coming, just not this fast! He's a great guy.
If you missed conference, you missed out big time!!! MAKE TIME this
week to watch whatever you missed, you'll be blessed because of it!
Anyways hope y'all have a good week, stay safe out there😜

Elder Hyatt

Only in Texas!
Met a pot belly pig this week hahah

Had to take this basic photo lol

I love east Texas

So many towns in Texas, they steal names from other states haha

On top of a semi with our investigator Derek
 and on an exchange with my ZL elder Nguwa

Weekly Mormon meme, died at this one😂


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